Cohort 4 – The Integrative Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

The Integrative Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Mentorship Program

Mentorship set to begin April 21, 2024

Every human has the right to share in the experience of having a family…

Did you know that according to the WHO, 1 in 6 couples worldwide will experience infertility? And unfortunately, these numbers are on the rise.

As Chinese Medical practitioners, you have the unique opportunity to help these patients and fulfill our innate biological imperative to procreate and propagate the species for our own survival. While many of us receive some training in helping patients with infertility, only a small number of practitioners worldwide possess the skills and competency to properly address the often complex needs of fertility patients.

Become the go-to Expert in your area!

You will walk away with an in-depth understanding of western anatomy, physiology, and pathology, as it pertains to reproduction, which is vital to a successful CM fertility practice. Through our mentorship program, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to help your patients navigate the complex and emotional journey of fertility treatments. You’ll learn how to develop personalized treatment plans that address the root causes of infertility and improve patients’ chances of conceiving.

Laura Erlich is a seasoned expert in holistic wellness with a focus on fertility and obstetric care in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She graduated with high honors from Emperor’s College and went on to establish her own practice, Mother Nurture Wellness, which is located in Los Angeles and specializes in women’s health, including fertility optimization, pregnancy, and postpartum care.

With over two decades of experience as an integrative health professional, Laura has helped thousands of families grow by providing customized guidance in areas such as nutrition, supplementation, herbal medicine, acupuncture, meditation, mentorship, and more. In 2015, Laura co-authored “Feed Your Fertility, A Guide to Cultivating a Healthy Pregnancy with Chinese Medicine, Real Food and Healthy Living.”

What You’ll Learn

  • CM practitioners to have fluency in both western and other adjunctive care
  • To be able to fluidly transpose patient diagnoses between allopathic and holistic modalities
  • Understanding how to integrate nutrition and  supplementation
  • Mind/body support in a patient’s protocol allows you to wear all of the non-allopathic hats
  • Continuity of care that offers better outcomes and deeper patient relationships


  • ABORM study groups can be created upon request

  • Group tutoring sessions for the exam can be arranged

  • Live webinars are available for participation

  • Q&A sessions and interactive expert interviews are included

  • Office hours are offered for additional support 

  • Private tutoring is also available (one session included in the program)


Important Dates

Module 1 – Integrative Reproductive Medicine: The menstrual cycle, nervous system and mental health and their impact on fertility

Sunday, April 21, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Apr 24, May 1 – office hours 
May 8 – Expert talk 
May 15 – Alumni 

Module 2: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and their application in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Sunday, May 19, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

May 29, June 5 – office hours
June 12 – Expert talk 
June 19 – Alumni

Module 3: Fertility Boosting Diet, Supplements and Lifestyle through a TCM lens

Sunday, June 23, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Office hours TBD

July 24 alumni

Aug 28 Alumni

Module 4: Integrative Approach for Common Fertility and Reproductive Disorders

 Sunday, Sept 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Sept 18, 25 – office hours 
Oct 2 – expert talk
Oct 9 –  alumni

Module 5: Integrative Fertility: Approaching Fertility Challenges with a Holistic Mindset

Sunday, October 13, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Oct 23, 30 – office hours 
Nov 6 – expert talk
Nov 13 –  alumni

Module 6: Treating unexplained and immune infertility by integrating acupuncture, TCM and functional medicine

 Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Nov 13- expert talk
Nov 20/ Nov 27 – office hours 

Module 7: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and the Art of TCM Integration

Sunday, December 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Dec 4, 11 – office hours
Dec 11 – Alumni office hours starting later
Expert talk TBD

This module will provide a comprehensive look at the role of the IRM specialist and will cover an east/west overview of the menstrual cycle, the archetype as it pertains to fertility, the role of the autonomic nervous system, and the impact of the stress response on fertility.  This module will conclude with a discussion of methods for supporting the ANS and an introduction to the Eight Extraordinary Vessels as a tool for supporting mental health.

This course will the theory and practice of using the Eight Extraordinary Vessels in the treatment of the reproductive system.  A full review of each channel’s trajectory and therapeutics, along with treatment strategies and protocols will be presented.

This course will cover nutrition best practices, supplements for fertility through a CM lens, toxins and environmental endocrine disruptors, and methods for reducing allostatic load.

This course offers a deep dive and integrative approach to treatment for common reproductive disorders, including

– recurrent pregnancy loss,
– endometriosis,
– immunologic infertility,
– and thrombophilia.

This course will examine diagnoses that often/always require allopathic intervention, including structural abnormalities, age-related infertility, POI as well as hypothalamic and pituitary issues. Detailed instructions will include what a western infertility workup consists of, how key tests are performed, and how to interpret them.  Strategies and guidelines for how and when to provide acupuncture, herbs, and supplements will be discussed.

This course will look at the various ways that immune dysfunction impacts fertility, with an emphasis on understanding the different types of care required when it comes to treating patients with autoimmune diseases. As integrative practitioners, you will learn to identify key markers for autoimmunity, and discuss a multi-pronged approach to disease management for fertility and fecundity, including acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, supplementation, basic lab values and common allopathic approaches to immune system management before and during pregnancy.

This course will cover the role of the CM practitioner when it comes to making recommendations and referrals to ART practitioners. Instruction will cover in more detail the integration of care with IUI and IVF, including donor cycles and cryopreservation, as well as a comprehensive overview of ART techniques, medications, and procedures.  We will end this course with a discussion of third-party parenthood, including egg, sperm, and embryo donation, surrogacy, and adoption.

Module 1Integrative Reproductive Medicine: The menstrual cycle, nervous system and mental health and their impact on fertility

Sunday, April 21, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Apr 24, May 1 – office hours 
May 8 – Expert talk 
May 15 – Alumni 

Module 2: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and their application in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Sunday, May 19, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

May 29, June 5 – office hours
June 12 – Expert talk 
June 19 – Alumni

Module 3: Fertility Boosting Diet, Supplements and Lifestyle through a TCM lens

Sunday, June 23, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Office hours TBD

July 24 alumni

Aug 28 Alumni

Module 4: Integrative Approach for Common Fertility and Reproductive Disorders

 Sunday, Sept 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Sept 18, 25 – office hours 
Oct 2 – expert talk
Oct 9 –  alumni

Module 5: Integrative Fertility: Approaching Fertility Challenges with a Holistic Mindset

Sunday, October 13, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Oct 23, 30 – office hours 
Nov 6 – expert talk
Nov 13 –  alumni

Module 6: Treating unexplained and immune infertility by integrating acupuncture, TCM and functional medicine

 Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Nov 13- expert talk
Nov 20/ Nov 27 – office hours 

Module 7: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and the Art of TCM Integration

Sunday, December 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am PT – 4:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Dec 4, 11 – office hours
Dec 11 – Alumni office hours starting later
Expert talk TBD

Community Lecture:
An Integrative Approach to Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

Anyone who chooses to specialize in reproductive medicine as an EAM practitioner knows that you rarely go it alone.  In fact, the vast majority of patients in our care are also under the care of Western doctors, and many employ multiple modalities in their pursuit of a viable pregnancy. The end result of this is a deep need for EAM practitioners to have fluency in both Western and other adjunctive care, and to be able to fluidly transpose their diagnoses between allopathic and holistic modalities.  Furthermore, understanding how to integrate nutrition, supplementation, and mind/body support into a patient’s protocol allows for the EAM practitioner to wear all of the non-allopathic hats. This provides a continuity of care that offers better outcomes and deeper patient relationships.

Through this mentorship, participants will gain confidence and deep insight into both Eastern and Western approaches to the treatment of infertility, with an emphasis on integrating holistic and allopathic modalities.  Through a combination of live webinars, Q&A sessions, office hours, and private tutoring (one session is included in the program), practitioners will come away with a deeper understanding of all aspects of reproductive medicine and will be well prepared to sit for the ABORM exam, if desired.

In addition to the modules, participants will have access to Laura via weekly office hours, roundtable discussions with some luminaries from our field, bonus  Q&A sessions, and 1:1 support and tutoring at a member-only discounted rate. ABORM Exam study groups will be created as desired, and group tutoring sessions for the exam will be available.

The focus of the mentorship is deep experiential learning and peer connection. Although maximizing the quantity of CEU/PDAs will not be a focus, we have made available a maximum of 42 CEU/PDAs you can earn during the nine-month program.

Acupuncture Regulatory bodies our CEU/PDA certificates will fulfill:

  • California
  • Florida
  • Texas
  • ABORM Exam
  • ABORM Renewal

There is no payment plan

This is a Mentorship Program with a cohort with a beginning and end date, like a college semester, for which you commit to completion. Your Healthy Seminar team and Mentors work with you from the beginning of the process, and you have access to all the tools required for successful completion. For this reason, FULL refunds are NOT  possible after you begin.

If you cancel by April 16, 2024, you can receive a full refund less $50 admin fee plus the non-refundable eCommerce fee of 5% of what you paid.

If after module 1, you think the mentorship is not a good fit for you, you can cancel by April 26, 2024 and receive a refund calculated as what you have paid, minus a $125 withdrawal fee plus the non-refundable eCommerce fee of 5% of what you paid and minus $160 for the 6 CEU module 1.

No refund as of April 27, 2024

You cannot transfer or sell your registration to this mentorship.

No Refunds after April 27, 2024. If you have previously purchased any of the courses offered as modules in this mentorship, we will refund you for those purchases. Please read below:

If you purchased the courses of Module 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 through Healthy Seminars, we will refund you 100% of what you paid for them since they are included in the mentorship.   The mentorship is updated material and you can attend these modules again live on Zoom or watch the recording.

You will have continued access to recordings and handouts and forums until TBD

There is no guarantee that we will, especially in a world that is subject to so much upheaval, but our hope would be that we will offer the mentorship again after this year. We suggest you don’t delay as we cannot tell you what a year from now will allow for planning.

Yes, you can reset your password by clicking “Request new password” and entering your email address. Alternatively, you can also contact us through Support.

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If you have a slow internet connection, try closing out any unnecessary programs and restarting your device before trying again. 

Check if there’s an update available for the web browser you’re using. This may also solve some problems with compatibility issues between devices and browsers.

No, you cannot download them. These videos belong to the online course. However, in your browser, you can save the video page as a favorite or a bookmark so you can continue from where you left off.

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